
All important legal information and contact details for
You can find apartments for the source here. We stand for transparency and clarity.


Apartments zur Quelle
Christine Führer GmbH
Absberggasse 6
1100 Vienna

Phone: +43 676 842 287 105


Christine Führer GmbH
Hospitality industry operating mode accommodating guests in holiday apartments
UID No: ATU67808903
Commercial register number: 389718s
Commercial register court: Vienna Commercial Court
Headquarters: Absberggasse 6, 1100 Wien, Austria
Member of the Chamber of Commerce:
supervisory authority:
Professional group: hospitality industry

Design & programming


Liability and data protection

1. Content
The content of this homepage is for information only. The individual texts and content were created to the best of our knowledge and belief. Since some areas of this also involve advice, no guarantee can be given for the objective accuracy or completeness of the published information.

2. Data protection
For information on data protection, please see our Privacy statement.

3. External links
We assume no responsibility for the content of externally linked sites. This content was carefully checked at the time the links were created, but continuous monitoring of the linked pages is not feasible. Responsibility for the content of linked sites lies solely with their operators.

Information on online dispute resolution in accordance with Art. 14 (1) ODR-VO:

Consumers have the option to submit complaints to the EU's online dispute resolution platform:
You can also send any complaint to the email address provided above.